
Date of meeting 15 December 2022


Agenda Item 67




Labour Group Amendment

climate emergency four years on


That the relevant changes are made to the recommendations as shown below in strikethrough and bold italics:


This council notes:


  1. The city council declared a climate and biodiversity emergency in December 2018 [1]
  2. That following dramatic weather events over the autumn, it is clear that climate change isn’t just coming – it is here and has already had an impact on the city such as with localised flooding.
  3. The council’s cross-party Carbon Neutral Programme's focus on Carbon Reduction, Climate Adaptation and Conserving & Enhancing Biodiversity and the annual report showing our performance [2]
  4. Information made available on the council website on the action being taken on the climate and biodiversity emergency, including the recent annual report (Link: Appendix 1 Annual Report 2021-22 FINAL covers.pdf (
  5. The work of the Brighton Chamber to encouraging business to become net zero champions and the work of the council in collaboration with partners in the Greater Brighton region, such as through the Greater Brighton Economic Board, in tackling the climate crisis [3]


Therefore, resolves to request:

  1. The Chief Executive to write to businesses and third sector organisations in the city, highlighting:-

                (a) The Council’s actions to address the climate and biodiversity                   emergency;
                (b) That the council contributes less than 2% of the city’s carbon      emissions and advertising the support available to businesses to cut transport emissions, such as the e-cargo bike accelerator project

  2. The Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for environment, food and rural affairs asking them to provide further funding to councils, businesses and third sector organisations to tackle the climate and biodiversity emergency, calling upon the government to publish a full set of environmental performance indicators and to grant local authorities more powers to intervene in the public transport sector and force private operators to bring down bus and rail fares in order to make public transport more affordable and accessible

  3. Council reaffirms its commitment to delivering the full suite of measures recommended by the city’s first ever climate assembly, including the introduction of a park and ride scheme.

Proposed by: Cllr Wilkinson                                           Seconded by: Cllr Appich

Motion to read if carried:


This council notes:


  1. The city council declared a climate and biodiversity emergency in December 2018 [1]
  2. That following dramatic weather events over the autumn, it is clear that climate change isn’t just coming – it is here and has already had an impact on the city such as with localised flooding.
  3. The council’s cross-party Carbon Neutral Programme's focus on Carbon Reduction, Climate Adaptation and Conserving & Enhancing Biodiversity and the annual report showing our performance [2]
  4. Information made available on the council website on the action being taken on the climate and biodiversity emergency, including the recent annual report (Link: Appendix 1 Annual Report 2021-22 FINAL covers.pdf (
  5. The work of the Brighton Chamber to encouraging business to become net zero champions and the work of the council in collaboration with partners in the Greater Brighton region, such as through the Greater Brighton Economic Board, in tackling the climate crisis [3]


Therefore, resolves to request:

  1. The Chief Executive to write to businesses and third sector organisations in the city, highlighting:-

                (a) The Council’s actions to address the climate and biodiversity                   emergency;
                (b) That the council contributes less than 2% of the city’s carbon      emissions and advertising the support available to businesses to cut transport emissions, such as the e-cargo bike accelerator project

  2. The Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for environment, food and rural affairs asking them to provide further funding to councils, businesses and third sector organisations to tackle the climate and biodiversity emergency, calling upon the government to publish a full set of environmental performance indicators and to grant local authorities more powers to intervene in the public transport sector and force private operators to bring down bus and rail fares in order to make public transport more affordable and accessible

  3. Council reaffirms its commitment to delivering the full suite of measures recommended by the city’s first ever climate assembly, including the introduction of a park and ride scheme.